Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7 - New Camera Love

Got my new Nikon D90 finally!! I'm in LOVE. SO worth the couple grand I dropped on that baby. But with no interest/payments for 6 months I couldn't resist! Just need to keep up the ebay & website sales in order to put aside $100/week. Piece of cake ;-)

So of course today I've been taking pictures like a mad woman. I just got through uploading 937 pictures to my computer! I think I hit my daily quota today! Now to pick a few (or 9 - LOL) to share.

Here's the very first shot of Isla that I took this morning when she woke up. My make-shift photo studio which consists of a wall in my living room & a chair purchased from Goodwill. :)

I had to practice a little bit before Isla woke up, so the kitties were the logical choice. Here are my furbabies: Maverick & Bella.

Isla & I shared some homemade lasagna for lunch today. Needless to say she desperately needed some tubby time after that meal. Thanks Auntie Emmie for the yummy lasagna!

Crazy girl was standing by the side of the tub while it was filling up, reaching in & then eating the bubbles. Luckily I buy all organic baby products - so a few yummy bubbles won't hurt I guess :)

All clean & hamming it up :) Being naked makes her so happy!

And of course, as you know, I had to take a bazillion pictures today. Here are a couple of ones that I thought were cool. Just messing with my lenses & lighting. The first is of a lamp base. I liked the design & the shadows.

This is an illuminated lamp shade. It was very intriguing & I think the pic came out cool.


  1. i thought you were supposed to pick one picture a day! haha. looks great, kirsten

  2. Your daughter is such a cutie and I'm so jealous of your new camera. Can't wait to see more pictures taken with it.

  3. Thanks! I can't wait until I really learn how to use it to it's full potential :)
